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  • For the past two years, I have been working almost exclusively for Glocalize Inc. on Hungarian subtitles of films and series, both as an originator and a QC-er, using the online platform Originator. This required many online training sessions and constant updating for the client's preferences. I also did some medical translation and proofreading for ClinicaLingua and private MD's in Hungary.

  • I have been a translator and interpreter between English and Hungarian for 25+ years (undergraduate studies: English at ELTE University Budapest, graduate studies: English, creative writing at Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, USA).

  • I have been a certified member of the American Translators’ Association for many years. Currently residing in my native Hungary, earlier I lived in the US for 12 years.

  • I am also a specialist of neuro-linguistic programming, having completed my Master Practitioner’s training in Hungary in 1998. I taught many courses on advanced NLP, focusing on the hypnotic language patterns of Milton Erickson MD, and I translated and proofread NLP books into Hungarian (e.g. Core Transformation by Connirae and Tamara Andreas, Frogs into Princes by Richard Bandler.) I wrote and published a handbook on Indian astrology (Út és Sors – Path and Destiny, 2012) a book of fiction in Hungarian (Pásztorok – Shepherds of the Highlands, 1998) and I proofread an NLP book on Natural Language Learning.

  • I worked as a US citizen linguist with the US Army in 2000 in Germany for NATO peacekeeping operations involving civilian Hungarian role-players. My responsibilities included interpreting for a colonel of the military and helping with cultural coaching.

  • For several years up to 2001, I was one of the resident language experts of the Dutch-owned ING Bank Commercial [Retail] Division. My responsibilities included not only the translation and version control of the various levels of internal regulations and the credit policies of the retail bank, but also helping Bank experts to formulate regulations and policies in two languages, interpretation at training courses for the introduction of the American banking software Profile, and interpretation for the CEO and CFO, branch managers and financial experts from Holland, the US and Australia. My role at the time was indispensable: my responsibilities included being available for crisis management on an ongoing basis, including evenings and weekends. I also translated relevant legal regulations, including the entire Privacy Act of 1995 for corporate use.

  • My main areas of specialization in T&I include, but are not limited to, subtitle translation and QC for a company working for a major online content provider (including two types of supplementals), legal translation, corporate communications, medical and life sciences. Other areas are sociology, psychology, NLP and Yoga.

  • In the medical field, I have translated and proofread hospital discharge reports, lab reports, pharmaceutical trial materials, handbooks of medical devices, textbooks, technical manuals and glossaries. I do thorough research to ensure accurate localization of patient responses to questionnaires, and use up-to-date technical terminology in the field of medical technology. I also make good use of my Latin studies (part of my university studies). I also understand some German, French and Spanish.

  • I translated many inter-company agreements and contracts, legal correspondence and rulings of various levels of Hungarian courts, with citations of statutes and decrees; agreements, leases, GTC’s and General Terms of Business, finance and property cases, intellectual property documents.

  • Some recent projects and clients I have been involved with include Glocalize Inc. for movie and series subtitles (using their client's platform tool Originator). Earlier I translated for cutting-edge technology companies like BorgWarner, localising employee screening surveys and leadership evaluations for AON (via TechWorld Inc.), using the translation memory software Trados, and translating business communications for companies like Bayer.

  • Some interesting recent projects (not including details of subtitling due to the NDA):

    • Translation of a study for the Hungarian Medical Acupuncturists' Association about the history of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine written by medical doctors in Hungary;

    • Translation of a body of handwritten private correspondence of a family of Hungarian Jews escaping the Holocaust, including fragments in other languages (French, Spanish, Yiddish and Hebrew);

    • Translation of rulings brought by the Supreme Court of Hungary (Curia) on a decade-long inter-company financial case;

    • Translation of a survey of the employees of the pharmaceutical company Richter, assigned by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences;

    • Translation of a series of sociology studies, interviews, publications and lectures by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences on the situation of the Roma minority in Hungary and the trends of segregation in education;

    • Other materials I have translated included EU accession programs, harmonization documents related to Hungary’s integration into the European Union, corporate web interfaces; service agreements and technical specifications, business and legal correspondence concerning the renovation of architectural monuments in Budapest; studies in art history, catalogs of contemporary artists; articles by politicians e.g. the former Mayor of Budapest; studies on shamanism, books on Yoga and interpretation on resident courses on meditation and Indian astrology.

  • My methods of work include checking standard versions, paper-based and Internet dictionaries, glossaries and source documents in both languages to mine terminology and consulting with bilingual experts, native speakers for localization. As far as my subtitling work, in addition to using the approved glossaries, I regularly interview members of the target viewership, the usage of which may differ from my own. In the legal area, I check the official versions of Hungarian legal institutions, decrees and statutes, finding the equivalents of legal instances in Hungarian law and the precedent law of English-speaking countries for determining equivalents in legal hierarchy, frequency of usage, and working out related concepts in terminology.

  • I am an avid and thorough researcher and a team player, with a high degree of proactive independence, reliability and accuracy, and I bring my personal integrity to every job I perform.

  • I work with TRADOS Studio 2015, Microsoft Office and also with web-based surfaces like Subtitle Originator.

   Janos Melocco, 2021

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